Lasana Kamara
July Re-Supply and Mourning Ceremonies
Students welcome eg staff at school grounds During the last few weeks of July, our team has been hard at work re-supplying our identified...

Mulbah Richards
Monrovia Clinic Re-supply: July, 2015
Youth Coordinator, Mulbah Richards reports on our re-supply of neighborhood clinics, restrooms and schools in Monrovia this past week....

Jenna Hammerslag
Social Media Toolkit for Ebola Match Campaign
For those following our recent posts, Ebola has officially returned to Liberia via a 17-year-old boy in Monrovia. Though the extent of...

Jenna Hammerslag
Ebola Returns to Liberia
On June 28, 52 days after Liberia was declared Ebola free, a 17-year-old boy's death was confirmed from the Virus near Monrovia. This has...

Esther T. Jamaes
Girls With Open Hearts
Our inspiring team of women peacebuilders in Liberia have recently begun hosting women's circles aptly named, Girls With Open Hearts....