Ezekiel Mavolo, Field Supervisor and FGP
Local Charcoal Production in Liberia
Local Charcoal production in Liberia involves several hard laborers, felling down trees, cutting them into pieces, packing the pieces...

Ezekiel Mavolo, Field Supervisor and FGP
Becoming a Medical Doctor from a Traditional Background
Introduction It has always been my passion to become a medical doctor. However, being from a traditional background creates a dilemma for...

Ezekiel Mavolo, Field Supervisor and FGP
Underlining Causes and Strategies to Improve Agricultural Food Production in Liberia
Introduction Liberia is a small country located in West Africa; it is bounded to the North by Guinea, to the West by Sierra Leone, to the...

Ezekiel Mavolo, Field Supervisor and FGP
Voinjama Update Report
On September 5, 2020, the Voinjama team had the opportunity to visit various towns and villages we have been working with to follow up on th

Ezkeiel Mavolo, eg Field Supervisor and FGP
Extinction is Underway!
As a child growing up in my grandfather’s village, one of my favorite fruits was guava. The village was surrounded by guava trees, orange tr

Ezekiel Mavolo, Field Supervisor and FGP
Environmental Assessment: Gradually Changing Landscape of my Hometown
Our natural environment had an abundance of trees and oxygen, wildlife making noise everywhere you went, lakes and streams flourishing and n

Ezekiel Mavolo, Field Supervisor and FGP
An Unforgettable Relationship
One cool evening I decided to go to a local market to get some food, located about 3-5 minutes away from my hostel. I climbed down the stair

Ezkeiel Mavolo, eg Field Supervisor and FGP
My experiences with Project Abroad in Tanzania and Kenya
As I was receiving numerous emails from Ana, Lidia, Ma Cyndie, and phone calls from Mulbah concerning my trip to Tanzania and Kenya, I...