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everyday gandhis'  Ecological Restoration Program includes our home compound, a neighboring empty lot, and a 50-acre forest preserve near our Voinjama compound that serves as a source of food, medicinal plants, and, in time, a research/educational site that will enhance production in nearby farms and contribute to drought protection for nearby wells.


We are currently exploring possible wildlife corridors and ecotourism initiatives in collaboration with local government, ecologists, and neighboring communities whose township lands could be linked as a preserve in exchange for assistance with similar local development projects.


Permaculture is a form of sustainable agriculture that increases food production, restores soils and forests, provides drought protection and safely recycles human and vegetable waste. Permacuture honors and draws on traditional farming and land preservation strategies. The everyday gandhis compound in Voinjama is Liberia’s first demonstration site. Additional village sites are being added each year.




Who guards this web of life that nurtures and sustains us all?

- Bemidji Statement,
Indigenous Environmental Network


Please consider supporting our Ecological Restoration and Sustainable Agriculture programs in one of the following ways:  

Purchase farm implements - $2500 each village

For a village Permaculture initiative


Village Permaculture Training - $1,500

5-day course Includes round-trip transportation, lodging, phone cards, food for all participants, and basic farm implements; approx. 25 participants - often more, as we never turn anyone away - and stipends for trainers.

Support Ecological Restoration

Includes training for our FGP and Scholarship students in ecological awareness, leadership training, and local community initiatives and follow-up.


Monthly training honorarium for mentor - $100

James Makor (Director of SAMFU, Save My Future Foundation)


Site Visits - $1,200

Includes transportation – car hire is extremely expensive at $150/day; food and lodging for all 12 FGP and Scholarship Students; 3 days training with mentor James Makor; community councils and consultation with local experts.,

Contact us: 

P.O. Box 1285

Fort Bragg, CA 95437


© 2021 by everyday gandhis 

everyday gandhis

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