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eg Ebola Field Report

Lasana Kamara, our Project Coordinator in Liberia has sent us a field report detailing eg's first hand account of the Ebola crisis, including our ongoing work with several communities in Lofa County. Kamara reports:

The involvement of everyday gandhis in the Ebola awareness program began in early June, 2014, when we heard that the spread of a deadly Ebola outbreak was intensified in Foya region, Lofa County.

Lofa County being the base of EG and realizing that our work links with traditional culture, reconciliation and ecologic restoration in the communities, we recommended to our Mother, Cynthia Travis, president and founder of everyday gandhis, that she allow us to participate in the Ebola awareness to help educate/sensitize the communities on the spread of the Ebola outbreak and its prevention through community consultation, focused group discussion and drama. She supported the ideas and provided funding for the process. We bought ICE materials such as buckets with fascia, cholera, and soap to facilitate hand washing to be distributed to surrounding communities.

Presenting the ICE materials to Free Pentacostal Church in Kazza Community, Voinjama

Presenting the ICE materials to Free Pentacostal Church in Kazza community, Voinjama

As we were about to move into the communities, we received communication that all local and international NGOS were invited to a coordination meeting at the County Health Team Office in Voinjama. The meeting was about coordinating the work as a team to organize a report and planning strategy. We understood during the first meeting that the health workers were facing problems with community entry.

The county Health Team was highly impressed with our one-week awareness program in the communities, our approach to and our involvement with the communities’ leaders. EG was the first organization to provided ICE materials to some local NGO and volunteer groups and the communities. CHT requested that we extend our work other communities. We also provided ICE materials to the courts, check points, transport union, churches, mosques and motto cycle union.

presenting ICE materials to RUCEP organization at teh CHT's Office in Voinjama

Presenting ICE materials to RUCEP orgnaization at the CHT's office in Voinjama

During our awareness exercises, we considered focus group discussion, especially with the young people because we believe that when they are most involved, they will feel part of the process. After presenting the ICE materials to the head, he was very happy to receive the supplies and promised that they would be used for their intended purpose.

Having discussion with the Northern youth leadership about Ebola prevention

Having discussion with the Northern youth leadership about Ebola Prevention

During the presentation of ICE materials to the chairman of the Muslim Council in Voinjama District, he extended thanks and appreciation to everyday’s family for the care and concern about the Muslims in Voinjama District.

Meeting with the Muslim heads at the central mosque in Voinjama

Meeting with the Muslim heads at the central mosque in Voinjama

The Muslims got together to offer prayer for county and the country at large

The Muslims got together to offer prayer for the county and the country at large

We appreciate all of your efforts (suggestions and other contributions) in making sure that we remain committed to the organization’s goals in America and Liberia.


Lasana J. Kamara

Lasana J. Kamara, eg Liberia Project Coordinator

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