Support eg Ebola Campaign with our Social Media Toolkit
It is never easy to ask for help. However, we have reached an unprecedented cross roads in Liberia and are seeking support from a community that believes in our work. Luckily, there are several ways you can help support, donate, and spread the word about our upcoming Ebola Campaign.
You may already know that we have begun supplying rural communities, public restrooms, as well as a dozen non-Ebola neighborhood clinics with sanitation materials and medical supplies over the past few months. You may also know that in order to continue this important work, we will be launching a month-long campaign beginning December 1st through the website Global Giving.
Global Giving is a platform for nonprofits and charitable projects alike, which comes with several philanthropic benefits that can be explored HERE. To win a permanent space on the website for future projects, we need to raise $5,000 from 40 unique donors by December 31st.

The first week of our campaign coincides with another important campaign on December 2nd. #GivingTuesday is a day to channel the generous spirit of the holiday season and inspire collective action around charitable giving. Coordinated around the annual shopping and spending season, it proves that the holidays can be about both giving and giving back. Consider supporting both campaigns by making a donation on this most important day.
In the meantime, check out our donation page HERE. The campaign features specific and targeted ways to donate to our Ebola related work ranging in gifts as low as $10 to supporting an entire clinic for $500. If you are unable to make a donation, please consider helping to spread the word via email and social media.

To do so in less than 30 seconds, click HERE and join our Thunderclap
campaign, which will automatically send our message out for you December 2nd.
Or below you will find a list of relevant Tweets, Facebook posts, and a sample email that will make contributing easy during this busiest of seasons.
As always, thank you for your continued support!
Jenna Hammerslag, Media Coordinator, everyday gandhis
Facebook: like us and share our posts at
Twitter: Follow and re-tweet @everydaygandhis
Instagram: Follow @everydaygandhis
OR share a message with your community:
Facebook sample messages:
Post before December 1st for Thunderclap:
Want an easy way to support the fight against Ebola ? Take 30 seconds and sign up for everyday gandhis Thunderclap and we will help spread the word for you
#GivingTuesday posts, on or before December 2nd:
Channel the giving spirit this holiday season on #GivingTuesday, December 2nd by joining the fight against Ebola. Consider donating to everyday gandhis and their work with local clinics in Liberia
Looking for a way to give back this holiday season? Magnify the giving spirit on #GivingTuesday, December 2nd by supporting everyday gandhis campaign to supply neighborhood clinics in Liberia
Post anytime:
How can you help end the Ebola crisis? Support everyday gandhis innovative work in Liberia to supply neighborhood clinics
Channel the giving spirit this holiday season by joining the fight against Ebola. Consider donating to everyday gandhis and their Global Giving campaign to supply neighborhood clinics in Liberia
Twitter samples:
Tweet before December 1st for Thunderclap:
Want an easy way to support the fight against #Ebola ? Take 30 seconds & sign up for @everydaygandhis #Thunderclap
#Giving Tuesday Tweets on or before December 2nd
Show your concern for the current #Ebola crisis in #Liberia by supporting @everydaygandhis on #GivingTuesday
National day of Giving is December 2nd #GivingTuesday. Support our #Ebola campaign with local clinics in #Liberia
Tweet anytime:
Looking for a way to help combat the #Ebola epidemic? Support @everydaygandhis #GlobalGiving Campaign 12/1-12/31
Show your support for the fight against #Ebola in #Liberia by donating to @everydaygandhis #GlobalGiving campaign
Sample Email
Dear [NAME]
I am writing on behalf of everyday gandhis, a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization working within Liberia’s war torn community to build and restore peace since 2004. They are running a holiday campaign to raise money for their innovative efforts to fight Ebola in Liberia. In honor of the giving season, I am sharing this message with you in the hopes that you will take the time to read their important message.
The Ebola epidemic is a crisis of unprecedented scale in West Africa. With growing support and magnifying funds being designated for large aid groups focused on eradicating the disease, a need for supporting small, localized and grassroots efforts to support healthcare in rural and traditional communities will be key in ending the crisis. To respond, everyday gandhis has begun working with local leaders in Monrovia and Voinjama to supply rural communities, public restrooms, as well as a dozen non-Ebola neighborhood clinics with sanitation materials and medical supplies. Their goal with such efforts will be to aid disease prevention, alleviate the stress on overflowing hospitals, and to reduce the risk of future exposure to health care professionals. This means that people can get treated locally for non-Ebola illnesses, freeing beds in treatment centers, while building long-term health and resilience. It is their hope that with such support, these clinics will be able to stay open throughout the crisis and beyond, lending far reaching benefits to surrounding towns and villages. In order to do so, they are hosting a fundraising challenge via Global Giving with a goal to raise at least $5,000 by 40 donors in one month beginning December 1st.
To donate as low as $10, please visit the campaign page:
For more information about the organization, visit the website Their blog features updates and reports concerning Ebola related work, as well as a Social Media Toolkit to help spread the word.
Thank you for your time, support and generosity this holiday season.
With Gratitude,
**Feel free to add photos to any message from our Ebola Campaign album on our Facebook Page HERE ***
Or use this one: