November Clinic Donations
Our spirited team of local leaders and ex-combatants in Liberia have been hard at work throughout the month of November, re-supplying neighborhood clinics as well as seeking out new partners in our fight to build better community health and resilience. As we continue to add clinics, private nurses, and public restrooms to our growing donation list, monetary support is needed now more than ever. Visit our Global Giving donation page today, where we are competing to raise $5,000 from 40 donors by December 31st!
Below you will find our most recent report from Youth Coordinator, Mulbah Richards in Liberia concerning our clinic donations during a trip to Voinjama. Together, with the help of our Future Guardians of Peace they were able to re-supply past clinics as well as give to several new ones along the way.
Hello eg family,
Before our trip to Voinjama, we re-supplied the clinics we had been previously working with near Monrovia as well as one new clinic we added with the usual materials. The Patience Community Clinic expressed their appreciations to you and the everyday gandhi’s family for their support.

Organizing donations to Patience Community Clinic
On the 12 of November, we headed for Voinjama. The boys were excited about the trip because since the Ebola outbreak they had heard of much tragedy in Voinjama and as almost all of their family and relatives are in Lofa, they were eager to see them in good condition. On our way to Voinjama, we made a stop in Gbarnga, to a clinic called Joseph Mayango Clinic to donate the usual medical supplies and sanitation materials.
Distributing supplies in Gbanga
When we arrived In Voinjama, we found it necessary to empower and supply some private nurses who have drug stores and help them to treat patients with common illness and childbirth. We were also able to supply the PMU Clinic with the usual materials as well as two thermometers to the Voinjama Telewoyan Hospital. At the PMU Clinic, the nurses and everyone were surprised and grateful for the donations. They said, "We are so happy that these young men and women are coming back to give to us, the very community they are from and even the very school they attended. So we are thankful to God and to their sponsor for taking them to where they are today."

Nurses review and rejoice over clinic donations at the PMU Clinic and Telewoyan Hospital
The David Selma’s Town Clinic was also supplied on the same day. On our way back on November 26, 2014, we made a stop to Kornia, Zorzor, Salayea and Gankolo’s Town Clinics to give them the usual materials. They were all excited about the supply, especially the non-contact thermometers and the spraying cans. In fact, the Zorzor and Salayea Clinic's workers were on the phone making a request to the government for non-contact thermometers when we arrived at their aid.
We hope to continue this important work in the future with your help!
-Mulbah Richards, Youth Coordinator, everyday gandhis Liberia

eg Future Guardians of Peace carry donations to locals eager to receive the supply