Monrovia Clinic Re-supply: July, 2015
Youth Coordinator, Mulbah Richards reports on our re-supply of neighborhood clinics, restrooms and schools in Monrovia this past week. Richards will be leaving everyday gandhis for a some time to be with his family in Dallas, Texas. He will be sincerely missed and we wish him all the best on his journey! All future supply's of our growing list of clinics and individuals will be directed by our Future Guardians of Peace as designated in the below report.

Group photo at Stanko Medical Clinic
First of all, we want to say many thanks and appreciations to GlobalGiving and our private donors for their tremendous efforts towards Ebola prevention and other health related activities in Liberia. On July 10-11th, 2015 we had another opportunity to deliver medical and sanitation rations to our old and new clinics, public toilets, schools and individual nurses that depend on our donations for medical service and disease prevention.
During this time, we were able to add three new clinics to the old ones including the Iron Factory Community Clinic in New Georgia, Swaray Medical Clinic in Soul Community and Confident Medical Clinic in Barna Farm Community. During the re-supply we were also able to talk to some IOC’s and nurses about the previous outbreak. Ma Agatha, one of the individual nurses that has recently upgraded her medical store to a full clinic officially told us that everyday gandhis was the only source of anti-Ebola materials. She said, “I have asked government and NGOs for help but no one has come except everyday gandhis.”
As usual, we distributed the same items such as chloride, soap, tide soap, chlorine, sanitation buckets, examination and surgical gloves, spray can, hand sanitizer, etc. Again, nurses and patients were very happy, especially those at the three new clinics we added. At the Swaray Medical Clinic, the spokesman expressed his appreciation by saying, “we are not receiving support like this from any NGO, government or even individuals who have money to do the humanitarian work your organization is doing for Liberia.”
On the second day of the supply, the FGPs were given the opportunity to do the supply themselves as I will be leaving the country and the work will need to continue to ensure these clinics stay protected, especially considering the recent threat in Monrovia. The below listed individuals are those that participated in the distribution: Mulbah Richards, Benedict Knuckles, Ezekiel Mavolo, Morris S. Kamara, Mama Kenneh, Esther Kpaku, Mohammed Kamara and Christian.
-Mulbah Richards, Youth Coordinator, everyday gandhis, Liberia

Motorbike delivery to Swarey Medical Clinic

A patient and her child at Omega Hill Medical Clinic