July Re-Supply and Mourning Ceremonies

Students welcome eg staff at school grounds
During the last few weeks of July, our team has been hard at work re-supplying our identified list of schools and clinics as well as hosted another mourning ceremony. We humbly extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to GlobalGiving and our US team for their tireless efforts expanding our work in the communities at this level. The work of everyday gandhis has been exposed not only in Lofa, but has extended to other counties where responses from the communities have been very encouraging.
Our work has become increasingly important and we have been working with community leaders to identify the most vulnerable schools and clinics in the affected communities. As a result, we supplied 11 schools and 5 clinics in Voinjama and Quardu Gboni Districts. Some of these communities are not accessible by car, but thanks to our new motorbikes, eg staff and volunteers were able to reach remote areas with resupply materials.

eg staff making their way to transport hygiene materials
The beneficiaries were very happy to receive the hygiene supplies and medical drugs. Most of which were badly needed, as some of those communities have not been receiving such assistance from any government or NGO since the Ebola outbreak began in Liberia. There was partiuclar worry amongst the communities regarding the recent news about the Ebola outbreak in Margebe County. In this case, they strongly recommended that we not forget about the future resupply of Ebola preventive materials. According to the principal at Kordadu Public School, everyday gandhis has been the only organization to bring such assistance to them.

Students gather to recieve supplies at Kordadu Public School
The mourning ceremony for Korwuline Community was held on July 18, 2015, a day after the Ramadan Celebration, which called the attention of many elders to participate. The elders extended thanks and appreciation to us for identifying their community during this recovery and reconciliation period. Accepting the materials presented, one of the elders, Musa Kelleh said, “everyday gandhis has been the first peacebuilding organization to think and care about Korwuline Community." This was certainly rewarding to hear and we will make sure to return to these communities in the near future!

Elders and community members at the post Ebola mourning ceremony in Korwuline